Why do I need to do “Questions & Answers” sessions ?

Youtubers aren’t the only creators who can produce Q&A formats, brands can do that too !

You want to create proximity with your community but don’t know where to start? You don’t have any idea?

We have one for you: Q&A format.

What is Q&A?

Q&A is a session of questions-answers live. Your community writes in the comments the questions they want to ask you and you answer directly.

The more you get in touch with your community the more loyal and committed with your brand it becomes.

What is the interest of this format?

Your consumers will feel heard and understood!

Furthermore, this Q&A session allows the prospective customers, who haven’t bought any of your products yet, to share with you their queries.

It helps them buy and it gives you a positive return on investment!

If you don’t have any idea about the entertainment for your next Q&A livestream, you can call an expert for answering the most substantive and difficult questions.

If you are interested in that idea, we did an article about this called “Collab with an expert”.

To entertain your live, you can also invite your audience to ask questions on live, with Narative Narative it’s fast and simple.

A simple invitation link sent to the person you want to add to your live will allow them to join you simply via their smartphone or computer!

Finally, if you prefer not having a bad surprise and only show testimonies or prerecorded questions, then Narative Party is made for you. To learn more about Narative Party we invite you to read this article.

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