What kind of content can we do on Youtube in 2023 ?

Youtube has existed for almost 20 years by now, then what are the trending videos to make in 2023 ?

Even if everybody is talking about Tiktok nowadays, Youtube remains one of the most popular social media platforms and its contents are attracting a lot of users each day.

Projections are saying that the most viewed Youtube contents in 2023 will be the longest and hardworked videos!

These different types of content will give to the users a range of entertainments and will allow them to keep a track of the latest trending videos on Youtube.

For their part, Youtube influencers keep playing a very important role, here are the trends they are using in their contents:

Even longer content

The most popular content creators are starting to make videos longer and longer.

In fact, the more longer videos are made to involve the viewers, who are feeling closer.

Long content is bringing more space to add further details and being more “intimate” with the viewers.

If you take a look at Amixem’s channel (a popular French youtuber), you’ll instantly point out that 8-minutes long videos don’t exist anymore!

Even more detailed thumbnails

Thumbnails stay one of the most important elements to increase the chances of doing views in 2023.

In fact, it’s thanks to a pretty thumbnail that you will see your click rate increase.

Those are attracting the users to come watching your videos. It’s the first impression that counts, which is why it’s important to stand out.

Here is an example of thumbnail that works in 2023:

Product reviews are also evolving

Unboxing is one of the most popular formats on Youtube, and it always was!

But the era of reviews with a white background and a shitty sound is over, now it’s crucial to produce your reviews and that they attract oneself to buy your product.

Peter Mckinnon videos are a perfect example of what is needed to do about this, in 2023.

Beware of bad language

In the end, since the beginning of the year, Youtube had announced a reinforcement of its demonetizing policy over bad language.

Like you can see on this video of Squeezie, the biggest French youtuber, each little swearing is now censored.

A good comprehension of these different kinds of Youtube content should help you stay ahead of trends on the platforms.

Rest assured, cats are always a hit on social media, including on Youtube, this is something that never changes!

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