Livestream : the best way to involve your community.

Involvement is the crux of social media, discover the best way to improve the involvement rate !

As a general rule, brands are searching for 2 things when creating content on social media: visibility and involvement.

And there comes livestream, which surely is the most involving format.

By using lives to talk to your audience, customers or prospective customers, you will manage to create proximity with them.

This allows you then to transform or turn them into frequent viewers.

A video format quite different

Lives must be approached very differently from other video formats.

In fact, what people are searching for when they click on a live is authenticity.

You don’t need to overdo it, you just need to be yourself and discuss with your chat! Live is nothing more than a discussion.

Livestream especially allows you to answer the potential questions that those who are interested in your products could be asking.

You can also show some backstage, your making process, or even introduce the teams hidden behind your brand.

Doing livestreams using Narative is very useful because you can, for example, build a design which suits your brand in order to strengthen its power regarding the persons who will watch your lives.

Involve your community

Furthermore, lives make perfect occasions to involve your customers!

You could especially ask them about what they want, make them talk about their experiences with your brand or any other form of involvement imaginable.

If you want to learn more about the power of livestream within a digital strategy, we invite you to watch our webinar called La Notif’ talking about this subject for 34 minutes long.

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